
2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” This is Just the Beginning! Taking Control of your Wellness is a Lifelong Adventure! I hope you have enjoyed our 2021 Wellness Program. We wanted to help you gain the skills necessary to own your personal wellness by giving you knowledge and maybe a few new skills that improve …

Week 7: Day 1

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” Balancing the Gut: Why Do You Want To Be More Alkaline? The first step towards great health begins with helping the body become more alkaline. One way to achieve this is to add more alkaline foods to your diet. In this article, we will cover the basics of an …

Week 6: Day 5

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” Positive Visualization…The Ultimate Technique to Help You Achieve Your Goals Positive visualization is a technique to master real world situations and achieve goals by using the power of positive thinking. . Think of positive visualization as a “mental rehearsal” that we carry out in our minds. It is like …

Week 6: Day 4

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” The Ongoing Battle with Hunger The people who fail at weight loss do so not because their eating plan or exercise plan stops working. It’s likely more because they stop practicing the healthy lifestyles. It can occur at any point in the process of weight loss, and it is …

Week 6: Day 3

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” 11 Reasons Why You Should Think Before You Speak Go ahead and admit it. You have said things before that you wish you hadn’t—and wanted to take back. Right? Sure, we all have. It’s part of human nature. Sometimes we get so emotional about something that we forget to …

Week 6: Day 2

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” How to Find Your Fitness Level in 4 Simple Tests Most people are perfectly content with a laid-back, “just do it” approach to fitness: they hit the gym, work up a sweat, eat something healthy, and repeat. They’re happy with their current fitness level, and that’s all that matters. …

Week 6: Day 1

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” How Alcohol Affects the Gut The gut contains more than 100 trillion bacteria, and this bacterial population is collectively referred to as the microbiome. Without a healthy gut, numerous other areas of our health will suffer, including but not limited to: Immunity, reduced or autoimmunity Nervous system Increased risk …

Week 5: Day 5

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” Life balance seems to be the topic on everyone’s mind of late. We have discovered that maintaining a healthy life balance is not only essential for happiness and well-being; it can be a tremendous boost to your productivity and career or business success as well. A well-balanced person has …

Week 5: Day 3

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” Vegetables: The Original Super Food As a group of foods, vegetables are by far the most health-promoting foods there are. When you exclude vegetables from your diet, you are missing out on all of the health-promoting components found in these foods. Vegetables provide us with a wide variety of …

Week 5: Day 2

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” Emotional Eating Understanding the science behind nutrition is what helps you to understand why fad diets and quick weight loss plans simply don’t work. So having this knowledge is great, and along the way we have given you tips for putting this knowledge into practice. Losing weight or changing …