2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” Metabolism Are you struggling with your weight? It’s easy to blame the inability to lose weight on a slow metabolism, but what does that really mean? Is metabolism the problem for most overweight people? Is it possible to boost metabolism so you can burn more calories? Let’s examine the …
Week 4: Day 5

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” The many functions of protein If we have learned anything at all from the high protein/low carb diet craze, it’s that protein is very important to good health! The word protein actually comes from the Greek work protos, which means “to come first.” Take this meaning a step further …
Darn it! We have to move to Monday…

Jonathan contacted me today and he has a small family emergency to deal with today. He is going to run our seminar next MONDAY instead of today at 5:45pm. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR and try to attend. It is a lot of extra work and later hours for him – so let’s show him our …
Week 4: Day 4

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” LIVE SEMINAR TONIGHT! 5:45pm, Sunshine Grindz Americans Love Eating Out There’s no question about it: Americans eat outside of the home a lot! In fact food and meals prepared outside of the home have become an increasingly large percentage of the American diet. In 1970, meals purchased outside …
Week 4: Day 3

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef” Meditation practitioners for thousands of years have known that befriending one’s breath keeps the mind and body healthy. It also is good for living a more peaceful life. Scientists have been working to translate these ancient practices for today’s world. From very practical stress reduction to exploring one’s emotions, …
Week 4: Day 2

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”! Finding your JOY! 2020 threw everyone for a loop and as we begin 2021 and continue on this journey it’s incredibly important to FIND YOUR JOY! There are many ways to do that but it can be overwhelming so it’s best to start small. Look inward and try to …
Week 4: Day 1

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”! MOLD? If you’ve been fermenting vegetables for a while, you’ve probably experienced it at some point. After a few days of fermenting, you open the jar to find, much to your horror, a film has formed on top of the vegetable brine. You may be sorely disappointed, thinking of …
Week 3: Day 5

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”! Butter Grass-Fed Butter 101: What It Means Where does butter come from? Butter is made by churning fresh cream from cow’s milk. The butter (or fat) naturally separates from the buttermilk during churning. To make grass-fed butter, also known as pastured butter, you need milk from grass-fed cows. Grass-fed …
Week 3: Day 4

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”! Tonight’s Seminar will be postponed 1 week. Mark Your Calendar for Next Thursday at 5:45pm! We need more time to create these amazing beverages! LIVE Seminar TONIGHT 5:45pm DRINKS The joy of drinks is reflected in the lovely social rituals around them, a shared morning coffee, a pot of …
Week 3: Day 3

2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”! Natural Medicines Today, we live in a time when manufactured medicines and prescriptions prevail, but do they have to be the only approach to healing? Even with all of these engineered options at our fingertips, many people find themselves turning back to the medicinal plants that started it all: …
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