2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”!

6 suggestions for adding whole grains to your diet – Harvard Health

Grain Pain?

Even though wheat, rice, oats, rye and barley are staples of the modern diet, many of us are unable to digest them unless they are prepared properly (soaked or fermented). While dairy and gluten are, for many, difficult to digest (and I rarely consume them), there is movement against grains generally, including non-gluten grains or ‘psuedo grains’. This is because many grains, nuts, and legumes contain ‘anti-nutrients’ such as phytic acid which, when eaten, bind to essential minerals and proteins such as zinc and calcium, preventing absorption.

Grains also contain lectins, which can damage the lining of the gut and inhibit digestion. When the gut is out of whack, chances are everything else is too, and eating unprepared grains will only worsen the gut problem. However, preparing these foods properly by soaking and fermenting them can help to reduce and sometimes even eliminate these anti-nutirents, so you get the good without the bad.

Properly prepared legumes, seeds and gluten-free pseudo-grains are a great source of soluble fibre which is very beneficial for our gut health as well as acting as prebiotics for our gut microbiota. How effectively we digest food varies depending on the status of our gut (sometimes you need to heal your gut before you can properly digest these foods – which can be done under the guidance of a health practitioner).

“The Beauty Chef” pg.11-12




  • Step 1: Grocery List
    Once you have determined your weekly menu items, it is important to have good quality organic products to work with. Remember, we are dealing with total body wellness – and we absorb what is in our foods, good and bad. Be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables – and choose organic grass-fed meats. You are worth the extra couple of dollars…and you might be shocked by how much better everything tastes!
  • Step 2: Gather Fermentation Equipment
    There are several affordable fermentation jars and kits out there. These sets help to make things a little easier – but to be honest you can ferment with nothing more than a mason jar.
  • Step 3: Attend Workshop
    This Thursday at 5:45pm we will meet at Sunshine Grindz. Chef Jonathan will demonstrate the fermentation process and will be making two new items form the cookbook!~Space if limited-Mark Your Calendar!

Suggested Basics to Prepare or Purchase:

  • Vegetable Broth (pg302)
  • Bone Broth (pg 301)
  • Sauerkraut w/ apple, fennel and kale (pg 314)
  • Kimchi w/ daikon, cabbage, and carrot (pg 315
  • Salsa Verde (pg 325)
  • Spiced Preserved Lemons (pg 319)

These are suggested items, please feel free to choose different staples from the book


Order Your Staples! Pick up Tuesday at Sunshine Grindz between 11:30 – 2:30. e.

  • Chicken Bone Broth (4 cups) $14
  • Vegetable Broth (4 cups) $10
  • Sauerkraut $10
  • Salsa $9


Chef Jonathan has asked that we pre-order these items/ He would prefer if I send him all of the pre-orders as one unit.

If you plan on making any of the soups in the recipe book, you may want to order 2 jars of the broths. I highly recommend you either make or purchase that sauerkraut and salsa, as they make a great condiments and really improve your gut health!

Please email me directly with your order: stephanie@newberry.com


If you are not planning of purchasing staples – you will need to prepare some of the “Basics” from the book on your own. Please look over that section of the book.

I hope YOU will have designed you your weekly menu under the guidelines of the cookbook.

Share what you are preparing! I am not the only person able to post in the Facebook group. PLEASE Share!!!

REMEMBER!!! Organics – Grass Fed and Farm Raised are essential for this transformation.

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