2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”!
Finding your JOY!
2020 threw everyone for a loop and as we begin 2021 and continue on this journey it’s incredibly important to FIND YOUR JOY! There are many ways to do that but it can be overwhelming so it’s best to start small.
Look inward and try to find something that you are passionate about. Whether it be sewing, cooking or enjoying company with friends it’s important to allow yourself to have some time to really soak in the things you enjoy. We tend to run around and make ourselves ragged without a second thought to the things that can really bring us inner peace and joy. Make time for YOU.
Surrounding ourselves with positive people is a big step in finding joy in your life. Limiting interactions with people who tend to be “emotional vampires” will allow you to step back and focus on those people, and yourself, who really do enrich your life.
With the political and world climate the way it is now it’s easy to get sucked into all of the negative stories that flood our TVs, newspapers and online. While it’s a good thing to be informed try to step back whenever you start finding yourself down that news rabbit hole.
You all are already doing two very important things when it comes to finding your joy! You have been fueling your bodies with nourishing foods and exercise! Now is the time to start focusing in on your life and really pick out the things that will bring you joy.
What brings you Joy?
- Make a list of the things that bring you Joy.
- NOW – lets prioritize these activities. Lets add these items to your SMART track-able plan! It is important to make time for yourself.
- Add these Joyful projects into your daily plan. Take that walk on the beach, call that loved one, start a new life skill!