2021 Wellness Program “The Beauty Chef”!

Goal Setting

Setting goals is an important part of your wellness journey. One of the best ways to set goals is to follow the acronym SMART.


  • Specific — Eating healthier sounds like a good idea. But what does it really mean? Aim for specific goals instead, such as eliminating soda, eating five servings of vegetables a day or limiting your daily sugar intake to 30 grams of added sugar.
  • Measurable — Make your goal one you can measure. Walking three days a week is a goal you can track. A goal of walking more is not so easily measured.
  • Attainable — Avoid aiming too high or too low. Think like Goldilocks and find a goal that feels just right.
  • Realistic — Losing 10 pounds a week sounds great. But it’s an impossible goal that likely will leave you discouraged — and more likely to give up on your efforts. Choosing realistic goals that you can meet will reinforce your efforts and keep you moving forward. Losing one pound per week is a realistic and sustainable goal.
  • Trackable — Choosing specific, measurable goals means you can track your progress over time. Write your efforts down in a journal or track them on an app so you can see how far you’ve come.


Write a list of goals that you would like to accomplish during our Wellness Program. These goals may include added fitness to your routine, choosing to eat a certain number of our healthy organic meals per week, maybe even planting a garden or any other important project you would like to get done.

Gather a calendar, journal or app. It is important to write out your goals and then plot them on your calendar. Remember to break down BIG projects into smaller short term goals that will eventually help you.
Remember to make your goals for the next 4 weeks SMART!

Island Kitchen Weekly Lunch Special!

This week: Cashew Butter Chicken
pg. 173 “The Beauty Chef”
Stop by or class to order this delicious healthy meal option!
11 N 3rd St, Fernandina Beach
(904) 624-7447

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